Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Rainy Day Projects

Wow - will the rain ever stop? I think it was Friday or Saturday I saw a “tweet” from a friend that read “Today begins 15 consecutive days of rain” to which I replied “We can hope and pray for breaks here and there.” And that’s what we have had, breaks for a few hours. I have taken the kayak out a time or two and caught a few fish.
In fact I have been trying to do some filming with the GoPro for my YouTube channel “Fishing Southern Maryland & Beyond.” But to be completely honest the rain has really dampened my spirits (pun fully intended).

With that all being said it brings me to my post today- what to do on rainy days? First and foremost I am not a “handy” guy. But at the beginning of the summer the ceiling fan in our bedroom just gave up the ghost. Yesterday I finally got around to purchasing a new one and spent the necessary time to install it. Mind you two days before this a large tree limb came down and smashed our air conditioning unit outside. It damaged it enough that the fan could not turn, ie making it so we had no AC. Thankfully they both, the fan and AC unit, are working again.

But surely some of you may be reading this and thinking “This is a fishing blog. I can’t believe he is writing about home improvement.” You are correct and it brings me to project for this morning. Last week I took the kayak to a local lake and spent some time catching some fish. As I loaded it back up I spotted on the ground the blade, a Colorado blade specifically, and partial wire of a large beetle spin lure. I picked it up and used it this morning. I bent the wire at an angle, maybe 30* or so.
After that I bent a small curl in the end of the wire so that it could hold on a soft plastic lure. I then cut the original bait keeper off of the jig I was going to use.

At that point I placed the jig into my makeshift fly vice and made a few wraps around the collar of the jig. I placed to spinner’s wire along that shaft of the hook and proceeded to make several wraps, trying to keep them tight.
I tied off the thread and used a little Super Glue to hopefully bind the threads some. The finished product below has my new “underspin” with a Zoom Super Salt Plus 4” grub. Now I just have to wait for the rain to stop to get out and use it!

By the way my wife did just call and ask about the size of another ceiling fan, so rain please stop soon!