Ever since coming up with the idea of catching a fish in each county in the state of Maryland I have been torn on the rules. Of course since it is my quest I was the one who made up the rules. The "problem" is bodies of water that separate two counties; in particular the stream that leads out of the Wye River Community Lake. One side is in Queen Anne's County while the other is in Talbot County. I have caught many fish from it but I consider it to be Queen Anne's since that's where I park. I've told myself that I would be "cheating" if I simply walked across the small bridge and stood on the other side. I mean it's been said that:
So I couldn't just walk over.
With all that being said May 13th I drove down to Salisbury to visit with my sisters. It was cool, air temps in the low 50s maybe and we had received a good day and a half of rain. On the ride down I stopped at the Wye Mill stream to see if I could get a bite. It was still drizzling and despite trying a couple of things there wasn't any action. I packed back up and started again when I noticed a sign for a boat launch. I had seen it before but I decided to drive down that way to see what it looked like.
Amongst the drizzle and the very high tide I thought: "Tidal river, water is up - maybe there's a few white perch relatively close to shore?" I tied on a 1/8 oz Strike King Bitzy Minnow crankbait. On the ultralight spinning rod, I've been using recently, that bait can be cast a good distance. It's also a sinking bait so it does a nice job attracting fish as it wiggles its way through the water. Standing on one of the piers closest to the shoreline I made long casts and began reeling. I added a pulse or even stopped reeling on the retrieval. On the fifth or sixth cast, the line went heavy and I gave it a good tug. After a minute I had a small white perch in my hand and another county under my belt.
That brings the number to 13 out of 23, and three added in just over a month. Here's to getting another soon! Until next time ... Tight lines!